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Hahaha, here we are again, readers. I totally got caught up with so many things this quarter. It felt as if there was something going on all the time. I barely had anytime to breathe. I barely had any alone time. I am so very sorry I have not been able to update you, but I have some great stories to tell. :-)

I started off Winter Quarter scared. I didn't do so well Fall Quarter and I felt like a complete disappointment. My GPA wasn't so pretty and I was scared I wouldn't do well this quarter. I was wrong. Winter quarter was the quarter I actually got my shit together and learned how to balance things out. This quarter I was able to engage and learn about things I love.

I changed majors this quarter. It was horrifying. I didn't know if I was making the right choice. I came into college thinking I'd stick with Psychology because I always felt like I wanted to get into counseling. I always wanted to work with kids and teenagers by empowering them through retention and access. Don't get me wrong--- I still do. But, I ultimately decided to switch to Communication. I've always considered it. I thought I'd simply minor in it. I'm so glad I made the shift.

I've always loved writing and expressing myself. I've always loved creativity. I've always been interested in media. To validate that, I took my first Communication class. I LOVED IT. Not only did I learn more about things I already had interest in, it made me critically think about things I am exposed to everyday. My professor was Patrick Anderson and let me tell you-- he was AMAZING. He was very passionate about Communication and it inspired me to continue on. He also cared deeply about his students. I'm so excited to continue with this major for I am going straight to upper division classes next quarter.

I also learned more about my culture this quarter. I took an Asian American History class taught by the amazing Simeon Man. I've never been exposed to the stories of Asian immigrants due to the lack of diversity in the History classes I have taken up until college. In the past, I've sat in classrooms, learning about US History in the lenses of white patriarchs. Growing up, I've always been exposed to white, hegemonic views. These views are dominant in society, leaving minorities silenced. Through this course, I was able to learn about the different Asian groups that came to the United States and how they resisted oppression. To UCSD folx, I highly recommend this course.

Outside of class, I've gotten really involved in Kaibigang Pilipin@ (KP). In fact, it's like I see them all the time. LITERALLY. My fellow first years have been very close-knit and welcoming. The upperheads have actually coined a new nickname for us: THIRST YEARS. Even the upperheads are so supporting and comforting. Within KP, I have been able to create a solid group of friends. This is going to sound so cliche, but I think I've finally found my group. Coming into college, I thought it was going to be hard making new friends, but with them, we've all managed to click instantly. I don't want to make this even more longer, but I'm glad I was able to finally find a support system on campus.

This quarter, I've actually picked up a new motto-- WORK HARD, PLAY HARD. This motto totally resonates with my new work method for I have been changing my study skills while putting myself out there. I'm not a grandma anymore, haha! I feel like there was never a weekend where I didn't do anything. This quarter was soooo eventful. I went to my first rave and exchange. I got a twin and new sibs in VIP. I spent a big amount of money on food (lol). I survived a flash flood and tornado warning. I went to my first college formal. I got Senpai to notice me. I went to Disneyland with my sorority. I had my first Delta Idol. I went clubbing for the first time. I had my first Spirit Night at UCSD. I TURNED TF UP!!! Winter Quarter was so much fun.

Looking back at winter quarter, I realize that I am happy with where I am, who I'm surrounded by, and who I'm becoming.

Growing up isn't so bad after all.

Change is gr8. College is gr8.

Sincerely, Kaithleen

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