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Damn, time flies.

In the 8th grade, around the time promotion was fast approaching, Ms. Wylie, my homeroom teacher, assigned a very significant assignment to my class: "a letter to your future self."

This letter was to be addressed to the myself. At the time, I had to write a letter to the Kaithleen that was just about to graduate high school.

In the 9th grade, at the beginning of the year, Mr. Turner, my advisory teacher, assigned the exact assignment.

The summer before senior year, I wrote myself a letter through, to be delivered to my email, the day of high school graduation.

lol look at her. Silly, silly girl. Circa 2011

Lately, I've been going through old scrapbooks, journals, and memory boxes, reflecting (and laughing) at the person I was a few years ago.

Everything that seemed so big and problematic back then

is now

just so silly.


In both my letters and journals, I wrote about the things I loved and the person I hoped to be.

I wrote about how much I valued the community I came from. I wrote about the crazy things I did with my best friends. I wrote about being forgiving and apologetic to those I really value.

Most importantly, I wrote about staying true to myself.

To tell the truth, these journals and letters are embarrassing.


reading these things made me realize that although I may have changed a lot- whether it be the way I look, the people I hang out with, or the goals I want to achieve-

my values still remain the same.

Although 8th grade Kaithleen was naive, extra, and oh so innocent,

she had a good head on her shoulders.

I'm glad I can say I'm making her proud.



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