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It's September and summer session just ended for the UCs. The school year is just around the corner and I can't help but reminisce about my past two years of college. This time around, I will be entering my third year of college. Woo! Time flies by so quickly. I still remember graduating high school, being super excited to start college. I used to read these same articles in preparation for a whole new ball game called "college."

Looking back to first year me, there were a lot of things I wish I knew. I was pretty blind going into college. I thought I was going to be completely okay, being able to tackle it without any big issues. I thought I knew it all. Boy, was I wrong! I remember ending my first year with some things I wished I realized and took advantage of. Everyone's experience is different, but being equipped with tips can help anyone succeed with this transition into university. Here is a list of things I wish I knew coming into/during my first year of college:

1) Pack Light

But seriously, though. A lot of people make this mistake. I for sure did (and continue to do, hehe). Dorm rooms are crowded and can pile with up with things accumulated during the school year. From free school swag to impulse Amazon Prime purchases, items can rack up and take up a lot of space in your already snug dorm. Pack what you know you're going to need for sure. Don't get me wrong! I tend to overpack all the time, bringing everything I can think of with me every move-in. However, every year, I find myself having to throw out, sell, or donate a lot of my things. Just remember to keep a mental note that all you move in, will need to find it's way to move out!

2) Get those textbooks after the first week of school

Because who knows! What if it's not required after all? Get a gage of your classes to see if you'll actually need them. If you do, look for free PDFs online or rent them out! You can save a lot of money that way.

3) Take advantage of the free food

Did someone say FREE? Uh-huh! During the first couple weeks of school (most importantly, Week 0), organizations all over campus will be having many events that will not only allow you to come out and learn more about student life, but give you lots of opportunities for FREE FOOD! I mean, who doesn't like free food? Don't even worry about using your meal plan the first weeks of school. You're covered!

4) Remember home

Home is where your roots are and you should always remember who's back there. Call your loved ones whenever you can. They're cheering you on from afar and would definitely appreciate hearing from you, knowing you're doing okay!

5) Don't underestimate college courses

High school 8ams and college 8ams are different. Taking 6 classes in high school were prob a breeze, but even taking 4 a quarter can be pretty killer when in college. Remember that sometimes what you're used to doing in high school can be completely different when you're in college. It's much more rigorous, time-consuming, and definitely faster-paced. Just because you were able to wake up early every day for class in high school, doesn't mean you'll do the same in college. I remember taking a 9:30 am my first year. It didn't go so well! I remember sleeping through most of the lectures or missing them completely. T'was hard times, friends.

6) That student ID and @edu email address can get you places

Did you know that many popular stores offer student discounts? Stores like Forever 21, Topshop, and J.Crew give students discounts when presented an ID at check out. You can also do the same for some restaurants, sometimes even giving you food or drinks for free. Subway, Chipotle, and Chick-Fil-A all offer free drinks with a valid student ID. Sometimes a student ID can even give you free public transportation! Having your student email address has some perks as well! You can access premium programs for affordable monthly prices. A college must have is Amazon Prime. With your @edu email address, you can access a free six-month membership to Prime Student! Check out this link for an extensive list of student deals and discounts!

7) RateMyProfessor can save you from a bad semester/quarter

When figuring out what classes to take, the first thing I open up next to WebReg is You will thank me for this later! RateMyProfessor collects reviews about different professors from all over the nation. Almost 100% of the time, you'll be able to find a prospective professor and learn more about their teaching style. What makes RateMyProfessor so helpful is that all reviews are created by students who have taken their classes. These reviews can help you figure out things like lecture style, homework load, and test requirements. Super helpful when choosing between professors! For UCSD, you can also use CAPEs, which also gives you valuable information about courses and professors.

8) Don't be afraid to visit office hours

A little intimidating at first, but taking advantage of office hours will help you in the long-run. If you're struggling with what you're learning, coming to office hours will allow you to be in a more intimate setting where you can freely talk to your professor or TA about any questions you have. From issues you're having about the course to questions you have about a field, it doesn't hurt to come out and learn outside the classroom.

9) Get out of your dorm room and go have fun

College isn't all about studying! Don't get me wrong-- there's nothing bad about binge-watching Netflix all day! However, there's always time to go outside and get some fresh air while meeting new people. Want to get active? Find some gym buddies and work out. Maybe even get into intramural sports or take a class. Interested in joining clubs? Don't be afraid to go to an event or club meeting. Heard about a big party going on this weekend? Grab your roommates and check it out. College can bring you some of the greatest friends and wildest memories. Go out and make that happen!

10) College > High School, enough said

You're learning. You're experiencing. You're growing.

This is the time where you can reinvent yourself and discover what you want to do, where you want to go, and who you want to be.

What are some things you wish you knew your first year of college?

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