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Throwing it back to 1967~

The Summer of Love was an explosion of art, fashion, and rock n roll. Crowds were flocking to San Francisco to take part in an unique counter-culture movement. This summer marks the 50th year celebration of this colorful, hippie movement.

Thanks to the de Young Museum, I was able to experience and learn what it was like living during the hippie movement. The San Francisco Haight-Ashbury is known to have had a big impact on this counter-culture. From artists to activists, diverse groups of people came together to create this social movement. Thousands of people moved to San Francisco to take part and Golden Gate Park was where they all gathered collectively.

I was able to learn more about the art, music, fashion, and overall lifestyle of the hippie movement, unique to San Francisco.

Music festivals were very common, such as the "Trip Festival." San Francisco had its own sound that was accompanied by psychedelics. Bright, eye-catching posters were spread all over the city, advertising local music shows. The use of LSD was at a high, with teenagers all over getting "acid tested." These shows focused on light and music, creating a multi-sensory dance experience. Early raves, perhaps? However, it was pure Rock n Roll music.

Fun Fact: Bill Graham was in charge of these events. Hence, the Bill Graham Auditorium!

A unique style of dress was conceived during the 1960s. Leather, knit, denim, and tie-dye were staples that everyone had a hold of. To be honest, a lot of fashion from the 60s are gaining popularity today. I could have sworn I saw something that could have been on a Forever 21 mannequin.

My favorite part of the exhibit was the light room. There were many mesmerizing patterns that twirled and tilted along with the music. It was the perfect way to end the exhibit!

I also made a vlog on my old YouTube channel about my whole experience. Check it out down below

The Summer of Love Experience is only available until August 20. Next time you make a visit to Golden Gate Park, stop by the de Young! 10/10 Recommend ✨

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