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Welcoming myself and y'all back! It's been a long time coming. I've been wanting to start a new YouTube channel for a while now, but I felt discouraged because

1) the lack of time I have and the commitment I'd need to make

2) I didn't know what kind of content I would create

3) I really suck at talking in front of a camera

Fears aside, I thought it would be a cool thing to do in this year.

So there ya have it!

I decided to rebrand my old youtube channel into an overall lifestyle YouTube (I guess I'll call it that). I hope to create content that will allow me to document some exciting experiences I have, to de-stress when school and work has me in a slump, and to just channel some energy to something that I love. YouTube is in my everyday routine. Catch me watching beauty vloggers while I eat breakfast. If you find me procrastinating, I probably have a Buzzfeed Unsolved or Tasty video playing in one of my tabs. It's such a great space, especially seeing everyday people like me share their stories. Back in high school, YouTube was my platform to share my old music and create covers for my loved ones to enjoy. I hope rekindling my love for YouTube will allow me to just have fun and enjoy what I do.

Thanks for my friends for encouraging and supporting me to do this. I'm excited! We will see what's to come.



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