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I'm down.

Let's get on a random bus, following an unfamiliar route. Discovering new neighborhoods & destinations. Let's build forts in my living room, scouring the fridge for leftovers to eat while binge-watching Netflix shows. Let's blast music in your car, while driving around the city. Make sure to bring your ukelele, maybe later we can park and create a car cover. Let's head over to McDonalds and grab food off the Dollar Menu. Let's go to a museum on a free day. Let's go to the playground and pretend we're little kids again. We can have a water fight later, if it's super hot. Let's dance the night away. Let's write letters to our future selves and promise each other we won't read them until later on. Let's cook up something in the kitchen, entirely from a recipe book. Let's make friendship bracelets. Let's head to Dollar Tree & stock up the most random things. Let's go to the local library & spend hours reading old children's books they used to read us in elementary school. Let's do Internet challenges and film them to upload later. Let's stay in and host a game night. Let's sing karaoke off of YouTube videos. Let's try out a new hiking trail. Let's buy a disposable camera to print the photographs out later. Let's carry it wherever we go to document whatever we do. :-)

There's so many things out there to do. Nothing fancy schmacy. All for free or a couple of bucks.

You just have to let your imagination wander. Think outside the box.

I'm down. Are you?



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