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Imagine yourself when you were a little kid.

What were your struggles?

Not being tall enough to ride that rollercoaster at the amusement park? Scraping your knee? Someone taking your lunch money?

Now, Imagine yourself reaching your teens.

What did you worry about?

Getting that cute girl/boy in math class to notice you? Having a big pimple you just want to get rid of? Trying to ace your permit test so you can start driving early?

Now you're in college. You're in your early 20's.

What's been stuck in your head?

Having a hard time applying to graduate school? Tinder not working out for you? Trying to figure how to adult?

Growing up is so magical. The problems we had so much trouble with years ago don't matter anymore and seem so trivial. Seeing our growth and how we've changed is so refreshing!

I logged on to my old Tumblr and read some gems. Let me tell you..

I was such an angsty teenager, haha! The particular post that grabbed my attention was this vent about school from when I was a junior in high school. I wrote about how much anxiety and stress I was going through. I complained about how much work junior year gave me and all the trouble I had about balancing everything. I quote, "I just want to breeze through this year without ruining my whole future." That Kaithleen was so scared of failure. She felt so pressured to go above and beyond, to have a picture-perfect facade.

Even after just two years, I feel like I've grown so much. My mindset has changed for the better. Instead of being scared of failure, I embrace it and understand that it's okay to not be okay. You don't need to do things to compete. Do things that make you feel happy with yourself. I've learned to just go with the flow and take life challenges as just ways to bounce back and become a better person. The "problems" I once had don't really matter anymore. They're just reminders of how far I've gone..

and I think my progress has been rad. :-)

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